Slowing Down to Be Me

Resting LeavesLast weekend I was in Camas WA. with a bunch of friends.  We found ourselves sitting around a few tables drinking beer, eating pizza and enjoying each others company.  While the beer and pizza were awesome, the conversation was even better.  We talked about life, how to be authentic, and discussed when in life were we most truly ourselves.  As we told our stories, I was stuck by the common them, that for most of us it occurred when life was moving at a slower pace, when we were not being pressed by others to be what we were not.  For some it was a time of less responsibilities so there was more freedom to do and be.

Colors on Fourth and BirchI continued to think a great deal about the conversation this last week while at work.  Pressed by timelines, projects, and important decision, I found myself in a place where I was unable to slow down enough to make sure I was being true to myself.  As a result patience  ran short, I could feel the internal pressure.  I was unable to be and respond to others in the way I most wanted to.  As a result, I am asking as I look inward, how can I do this coming week better?  How can I slow life down enough to live it the way I desire to and not get caught in the trap of becoming what I am forced to become.  As you can see I have a ways to go on my Deep Look Inward, but each day I figure me out a little more.  Here are a few pictures from Camas that capture a slower, simpler, side of life


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