How can I Make a Million

It was a rough day, a rough week, a rough year.  I found myself thinking, "Why am I knocking myself out?" I'm sure that driving by a Lottery Billboard this morning didn't help, Powerball and Mega Bucks are starting to get up there again.  Sure that 115 million is only 30 million after taxes when you take it in a lump sum, but I think I could figure out how to live for a few years on that.  Cruising the internet, there are hundreds of promises that I can be my own boss, find financial success, and have my dreams come true if I just buy an online course and start my own web business.  So why do I go in everyday and beat my head against the wall.  Who wouldn't jump at the chance to take a vacation every other week, to work in my underwear, or have a business that runs itself.  I just don't think it could be that easy.  Then again, there are people doing it.  What do they know that I don't know.  I do a great job running the business that I am overseeing, but its not my business.

So I need to generate a few ideas.  What do I do really well?  I do a good job sleeping.  I can flip through channels on the tv.  I've been told I really know how to make a mess.  Not sure these are niche markets I can capitalize on.  I am a great day dreamer.  I know how to order at Starbucks.  I enjoy free tickets to Ducks Football Games.  Might be able to write and sell an ebook on those.  Bottom line is I don't believe the things I am into interest many others.  On the other hand I really haven't done much to see if I am right or wrong on that.  Since making a million is no small venture, I will give it some time.  However, if you have a get rich quick idea, let me know.  I am looking to make a million soon.

Carbon Foot Print and a Sustainable Life

Not sure what is happening to me.  If you drive by our house at any given time you will find seven cars almost all belonging to us.  Three of them are big four wheel drives and the other three are older little cars.  We definitely add to the global warming crisis the world is facing.  We have been known to buy things packaged in plastic with a half life of a billion plus years, by chickens that have been pumped with hormones, and we on occasion have sprayed pesticides on our plants to kill the bugs.  When it is hot we run our AC.  Our house has not been know to champion the cause of sustainability or living green.  That is until recently.

One of the downsides to having kids in college is they are being challenged to think differently.  That would be fine if they all lived in the dorm and didn't bring their idealism home with them.  Our problem is they live at home and for me, there is no escaping their thinking.  This summer we had a garden.  We have argued over buying organic eggs, range free chicken, or beef that ate real grass in a farm nearby.  To me a cow is a cow is a cow.  I couldn't be more wrong.  We are composting, recycling, and trying to by only what we absolutely will eat.  it is rumored that some that live here don't shower every day.  My life is slowly being changed.  Interestingly, I find myself being caught up in it.  Their is some real truth to what they are saying.  Not sure that I like that I have to be impacted by it.  I have been managing it well.  That is until this last week.  My car is no longer running.  It seems to need a $800 fuel pump.  The car is not worth that much anymore..  First thought is that I know have a reason to go and by that BMW I have always wanted.  But living a sustainable life means considering the reduction of cars and driving.  Do Darla and I really need two cars, can we figure out the bus and walking and ride sharing.  I have to ask will it really make much of a difference.  Then I ask, why didn't I insist that the kids live in the dorms.  Looks like we are going to be experimenting with reducing our Carbon Foot Print.  Wanted to make sure I invited each of you to join us.  If you need to I have room in my driveway for one more car.

Feelings of Turmoil

Its getting late.  The boys are up playing video games, Darla is studying hard in the dinning room, and I am sitting on the couch contemplating going to bed.  Life seems to take interesting turns.  One day things are cruising along smooth, and the next it feels like a five car pile up on the interstate. I am in one of those pile ups right now. Without going into detail I find myself in this place from time to time because I am afraid to state what I need or want.  I back off from saying what I know needs to be said. Instead of taking the lead I take the back seat. To step up is uncomfortable for me at times.  It creates pain and tension in peoples lives.  To not step up creates pain and tension in my life.  I don't always get why I put my own well being on the shelf to make others feel good.  However, at this time I can't ignore it.  To much is on the line and I find I have to stand in the gap for what I know is right and best.  I hate the feeling.  I know what I have to do, what needs to be done.  It just takes me a while to do it.  I'm not as bad off as it sounds, my $90 an hour best friend help me with my processing last night.  Lucky for him, he isn't the one who has to act.  I do.  So tonight I sit here and contemplate how to move forward, how to stand firm.  Only by looking inward can I figure out how to move forward.  It is great fun

On Parade

I week ago I took time out from work, grabbed a few of my employees, a few residents where I work, and a few of their family members and Marched in our local home coming parade.  For a moment I was transported back to my high school days with the band playing, floats, and plenty of people cheering along the route.  Here are a few quick pictures from the day