Dreaming Away

Sometimes the battle isn't to lose weight, or to get stronger, sometimes it's about doing your best to stay engaged. To stay engaged in relationship, to stay engaged in the job, to stay in community, to stay with the task. At times I find myself thinking more about change, maybe a new car, a new house, a new place to live. Perhaps it's a new job. The battle is about staying with it at times.

Sure dreaming is good. It can actually help spur on creativity and new ideas. But it can also be dangerous, causing you to check out, to disengage, to loose focus because your focus has shifted. I'm not sure how to fight it, or even if I should. I think it is most important to just acknowledge it and the impact it can have. For me dreaming is part of living. But living also has to do with sticking with it when things get hard or tough. Today however, I am dreaming of the warm beach, of winning the lottery, and of new challenging adventures. Tomorrow, I will be back at work Battling On.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

If it's on the Internet, it isn't private.

I came across this reminder as I was reading some of my favorite pages. It made me stop and think for a moment about what I put out there for all to read. Once you hit send you no longer have control. With some hesitation here this post comes.

Forty Eiqht, Not That Great

I turned 48 this week. Not a huge big deal except for the fact that I don't want to get older. In fact, if I had it my way I would still be 24. That however isn't going to happen. I am twice as old as I want to be. I am twice as old as my daughter. I am probaMbly closer to the end of my life than I am to the beginning. It is kind of a bummer to think about. So my challenge is to not let this getting older thing ruin the present. It doesn't have to get me down. I need to figure out how to embrace it and continue living and enjoying the moment I am in. So how do I do that? How do I look forward and not back?

I don't really have an answer at the moment, just a sense of where I want to be emotionally. I want to live, to love, to experience it all. to not be stuck in my own muck. To not be hindered by others. I want to break free of all that holds me back and start to run. I think it is possible. If nothing elsGe it is worth pursuing. At the very least I have to admit I am 48 and start there.