Forty Eiqht, Not That Great

I turned 48 this week. Not a huge big deal except for the fact that I don't want to get older. In fact, if I had it my way I would still be 24. That however isn't going to happen. I am twice as old as I want to be. I am twice as old as my daughter. I am probaMbly closer to the end of my life than I am to the beginning. It is kind of a bummer to think about. So my challenge is to not let this getting older thing ruin the present. It doesn't have to get me down. I need to figure out how to embrace it and continue living and enjoying the moment I am in. So how do I do that? How do I look forward and not back?

I don't really have an answer at the moment, just a sense of where I want to be emotionally. I want to live, to love, to experience it all. to not be stuck in my own muck. To not be hindered by others. I want to break free of all that holds me back and start to run. I think it is possible. If nothing elsGe it is worth pursuing. At the very least I have to admit I am 48 and start there.


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