Meaningless Tasks and Deep Thoughts

I am looking at the tasks that lay in front of me.  Take out the Christmas Tree, take down the outside Christmas Lights, do the grocery shopping, clean the bathroom, start the laundry.  As I contemplate this list of chores (and yes I mean chores) I have to to wonder why!  Why did we go to the trouble of hunting for a tree, cutting it down, tying it to the car, putting lights on it, just to take it down, carry it out, and throw it away?  Why did we hang the outside lights if we were only going to take them down a month later? Why do we use the bathroom in our bedroom (the one I have to clean) when we have three bathrooms in our house? Couldn't we all just use one?  Yes- grocery shopping and laundry make some sense to me, but the rest surely need to be thought through.  My life could be so much more simple if we just eliminated some of the needless things we do. 

All this thinking makes me question how smart are we really?  We send up space shuttles in machines that can sustain incredible heat and speed, yet I still have to stain my back deck every year to protect it from the weather.  We genetically alter plants to produce more and better, but we can't alter them to help us stay at our proper weight.  We create clothes that don't wrinkle, won't stain, stretch, keep their color.  Why not clothes that always are in fashion and hang themselves up?  With all of our great technology we still sweep, vacuum and cook.  I mow the lawn when I am sure we could make grass that only grows to a certain height.  The list goes on.

Obviously today my thoughts are about easing life.  The work I would like to be focusing on today would be deepening the relationship I have with my wife.  A nice walk or hike, a quiet dinner, a sunset.  That is what I would like to be working on, not a list of chores and things that must get done before I go back to work for another week. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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