Andy Loved Being Andy

I went to the funeral of a friend yesterday. A very Catholic funeral with all the sitting and standing, beautiful stained glass windows, lots of nice things being said. There was talk of Heaven and Hell, goodness and badness, and a chance to reflect on the kind of person he was, and you are. Towards the end of the time I was struck with something his brother said, “Andy loved being Andy.”

Out of all that was said in the service, what had the biggest impact on me were those four little words, “Andy loved being Andy.” I started me thinking, does “Rick like being Rick?” and do most people like being who they are, or do they wish to be someone or something different than simply what they are? If I truly loved being who I am, I would quit trying to be what I think everyone else wants me to be. I would be satisfied with what I have, what I do, my skills and abilities, my loves and dislikes, etc… I wouldn’t wish I was more like you, or had what you have, or could do what you do. Those four words speak of a deep down contentedness, a sense of peace with yourself. To be at that place, would be a starting point to truly enjoy all that is around you. To be able to live in the moment, completely. I truly want to “Love being Me.” To not feel like I have to give a reason for why I am the way I am, or to justify why I do what I do. To just be me, and to be ok with being me, sounds like a good place to be (is it bad English to but 3 be’s in the same phrase?}

Andy loved being Andy, I hope you “Love Being You,” for each of us are unique, special, one of a kind. Grab hold of that, and quit trying to be what your not. Enjoy the moment.


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