My Happy Fathers Day

Twenty five years ago I entered the elite group of men who could call themselves fathers and participate in the celebration of fathers day.  That year I had a 2 month old little boy and my world was changing.  I felt the weight of responsibility, the fear of molding someone's life, and the privilege of having someone look at you who was completely dependant on you for their physical, emotional and spiritual well being.  I would experience those feeling three more times as I continued to perfect the art of becoming a father (yep, that means sex).  Through the years I saw my kids fall backwards off slides, break arms and wrists, encounter police, experiment with all kinds of things.  I watched them do well in school and fail in school, become awesome in sports and then quit, perform in front of all kinds of people and then move on to the next thing.  I was never sure if I was doing it wrong or doing it right, and for the most part I still don’t.  Being a dad does not come with a very good instruction manual.  More than anything it is about believing in, encouraging, loving, and letting your kids figure it out.  Early on you hold their hand, then you act as a safety net, soon you become their cheerleader and councilor, and finally you sit back and watch.

This morning I sat back and watched as the boys, 25, 21, and almost 18, made me breakfast and are cleaning the kitchen.  I read an email from my little 23 year old daughter who is somewhere in Europe living her dream.  It is fathers day and each of my kids is trying to let me know they appreciate me.  Kind of cool.  Soon they will be taking me on a killer hike – literally I think their goal is to try to cause pain.  They have picked a hike that will allow me to take pictures, visit a pub when finished, and enjoy time with them.  They know exactly what I like and have figured out how to incorporate itl. Look out Oregon Gorge we are coming your way. So after 25 years of this Father job, i must have done an ok job if they still like hanging with me.  This despite my being moody at times, lost in my job, and trying to figure my own life out along the way.  For all of you dads out there, I hope you have kids that love you like mine love me.  This is a Happy Fathers Day.  Pictures to follow


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