Spent a little time Downtown Portland today. Among other stops I went by the Saturday Market. Took a quick video of Hula Hoop Girl. Also took a few pictures while I was walking around. Let me know what you think? One of those rare sunny weekend days.
Not What They Expected
For the last few days things have been a bit crazy around our house. Helicopters have been buzzing overhead, the entrance to our housing area has been blocked off and rerouted, strange people have been parking in front of our home, and in the background a loud PA system is going. I think I am understanding what it must be like to be a celebrity, to have paparazzi all around. However, the only reason all this is happening is that we to live a few blocks away from Cook Park and the Annual Tigard Balloon Festival. Our house is under the flight pattern for the helicopter rides, we can hear the concerts without leaving our backyard, and we can watch the hot air balloons float lazily into the sky while sipping coffee.
Last night we joined the crowds, paid our seven dollars to go to our park, which on any other day we can walk through for free, and had our bags searched. We sat amongst those who ventured into the Rouge Brewery Tent enjoying Double Dead Guy at $4 a dixie cup and listened to a band play bad renditions of old favorites. Conversation in the beer tent was lively as more micro cups ere consumed, people who didn’t know each other shared tables, and we all waited in anticipation of the evening Balloon Glow.
For those of us who have attended more than once, we know what to expect during the evening Balloon Glow, but for those who had never been before, had paid their seven dollars to get in, and were now drinking many small sipper cups of Rouge beer at $4 a pop, the anticipation was unbearable. The hot air balloons slowly filled with air, seven in all. As the air was heated inside the balloon, the entire balloon would glow from the flame. A local radio station interviewed the balloon pilots. We joked with our table mates, a foul mouthed hair dresser from California who couldn’t wait to move to Oregon and her boy friend, and another couple who informed us that proper table sharing educate involved the buying of the whole table beer anytime you got one yourself, and our friends who asked if we would join them for the event. I received a leg hair removal demonstration from my new hair dresser friend via a bumper sticker she affixed to my leg, the table discussed housing prices, Darla again discovered that hoppy beer does not make her happy, and as we turned back to watch the balloons, one by one they deflated. Our new friends and first time festival goers asked, “Is that it????? The Balloons don’t go up in the air???” One stated, “I paid $7 for that, I’m going to get his money back (and pointed to her husband or boyfriend, we never did find out which).” All around us was disappointment, having been before I remembered how I too had been disappointed years earlier by the same realization. I was sure the reason for the beer tent was to get us to the point where it really didn’t matter if the balloons took off or not. As we all left feeling a bit taken advantage of, we ran into a guy selling cigars. He had no permit, was not in one of the booths, but having enjoyed his night he gave me and my buddy a little bandito, which was only appropriate after drinking little beers, and we walked back to our house to smoke our banditos and finish a bottle of beer before ending our night.
This morning I hear no helicopters, the PA is quite, and I am assuming the end of the festival is near. You have to get up early to watch the balloons float into the air, but at that time you can’t get any dixie cup beer, so you decide what is more important to you. I’ll be going back again next year. After all it is almost in my backyard.
Birthday Song – Listen at your own Risk
Some traditions just shouldn’t be. Here is one of the Sam Fams. Each year sing the birthday song the worse than the year before. Listen in and tell us if you think we are being true to that tradition.
Fathers Day on Dog Mountain
Here are a few Pictures taken during the hike up Dog Mountain. Close to the top the wind hit 30+ miles an hour and the skies turned dark forcing us to take shelter in Dead Man Walking Pub and Brewery in Stevens, Wa. What an awesome way to spend the day with Darla and the Kids. May you enjoy. These are also posted on Flickr with my other Pics.
My Happy Fathers Day
Twenty five years ago I entered the elite group of men who could call themselves fathers and participate in the celebration of fathers day. That year I had a 2 month old little boy and my world was changing. I felt the weight of responsibility, the fear of molding someone's life, and the privilege of having someone look at you who was completely dependant on you for their physical, emotional and spiritual well being. I would experience those feeling three more times as I continued to perfect the art of becoming a father (yep, that means sex). Through the years I saw my kids fall backwards off slides, break arms and wrists, encounter police, experiment with all kinds of things. I watched them do well in school and fail in school, become awesome in sports and then quit, perform in front of all kinds of people and then move on to the next thing. I was never sure if I was doing it wrong or doing it right, and for the most part I still don’t. Being a dad does not come with a very good instruction manual. More than anything it is about believing in, encouraging, loving, and letting your kids figure it out. Early on you hold their hand, then you act as a safety net, soon you become their cheerleader and councilor, and finally you sit back and watch.
This morning I sat back and watched as the boys, 25, 21, and almost 18, made me breakfast and are cleaning the kitchen. I read an email from my little 23 year old daughter who is somewhere in Europe living her dream. It is fathers day and each of my kids is trying to let me know they appreciate me. Kind of cool. Soon they will be taking me on a killer hike – literally I think their goal is to try to cause pain. They have picked a hike that will allow me to take pictures, visit a pub when finished, and enjoy time with them. They know exactly what I like and have figured out how to incorporate itl. Look out Oregon Gorge we are coming your way. So after 25 years of this Father job, i must have done an ok job if they still like hanging with me. This despite my being moody at times, lost in my job, and trying to figure my own life out along the way. For all of you dads out there, I hope you have kids that love you like mine love me. This is a Happy Fathers Day. Pictures to follow
The Lament of the Day
How come sometimes life feels so shitty? A conversation goes badly, a relationship turns sour, a project falls apart, or it rains on your parade. Why is it that so often expectations aren’t met, joy is not found, fun is not had. The Lakers won this week, my financials exceeded budget, its fathers day, but I still feel like life sucks at the moment. Things are just hard, they aren’t going as it seems they should, just feels heavy and dark. Its almost summer but the season hasn’t changed. Maybe that’s it. I play the lottery from time to time but haven”t won. Could that be the reason. I work on relationships but feel unfulfilled. Maybe thats the answer. Who knows, I just feel a bit messed up at the moment.
How do you navigate when it feels like two people want different things. How do you choose a destination when two travelers what different places. How does it work when everyone wants to lead and no one wants to follow. Work can be tough, friends can be hard, family can be frustrating. I once heard it said that the world would run very smoothly if you removed all the people. My life would run smooth if I didn’t have to deal with relationships. I always feel I am in the wrong, that I don’t do it right, that I am a half step behind, like I don’t get it. Loving isn’t enough any more, the rules are constantly changing, and people have become anchors instead of sails.
I don’t feel this way all of the time, not even most of the time. But I am feeling this way today. I know it passes so I am not looking for answers or perspective. I just need to vent. Vent to know one and everyone at the same time. I need to have a voice and know that it might be heard, that it might connect with someone at some level.
Tomorrow I truly expect the sun to shine, the birds to sing, my girl to smile, and life to feel somehow right. But for the moment, it is gray skies with the chance for rain.
Me and My Blackberry
Every so often I get an email or Facebook message asking me to share how my Blackberry has made my life better or easier. Sometimes a friend asks. I usually talk about how I am able to stay connected to friends and family where ever I am. I talk about being more productive at work as I can respond to email and calls at all times. After I give these standard answers I always walk away thinking, “Do I really want to get emails and phone calls 24/7? Is my life better because I can immediately get my Tweets or Facebook updates.” Yes I enjoy going online to find out what movies are playing nearby. Every once in a while I check to see which gas station nearby has the cheapest gas. Its always nice to call and ask if we need more milk or eggs. But, my life really has not been enriched by my Blackberry until……….
Last Tuesday I found myself in an awkward situation. Nat feeling well I rushed upstairs to the bathroom to take my place on the Royal Porcelain Throne. Picking up a book I passed the time until I finished my chore. Upon completion I went to grab some toilet paper and to my horror found none available. I’ll admit I panicked a little. My mind immediately started thinking of solutions to my problem, none of which I felt like trying. Stuck I looked over and spied my Blackberry. I immediately broadcast an SOS message to those downstairs requesting that a roll of emergency TP be thrown into the room. I waited unsure if anyone had received my text for help. As the minutes passed I found myself becoming more and more desperate. I considered dialing for help but knew that my kids respond more quickly to an SMS than having to open their mouths and talk. As I pondered my next move, the bathroom door cracked open and in rolled a roll of TP. At that moment I knew that I could never be without my Blackberry. Not because of its GPS capability, or its Push technology. I need my Blackberry to spare me from those most embarrassing situations in life. I will never leave home without my BB, ever.
A Day Away (pictures from the Oregon Coast)
Every one in a while I have a day where I need to get away. Away from work, away from home, away, away, away. Yesterday was one of those days. Over the last few weeks there has been a number of things that have come my way. Issues regarding budgets and labor, quality, etc…. Issues at home regarding kids and marriage. My feeling taken advantage of or that I don’t do things right, wondering what life should really look and feel like at 47 years old. Some times getting away is the only thing that helps put things straight, or at least makes things a little clearer.
The place to escape is my car. The windows go down, the music goes on, and the wheels start carrying me away. Sometimes they take me fast, sometimes far and yesterday they took me to the coast. So as I drove I would stop, take a few pictures then drive some more. I would eat at favorite stops along the way. I climbed sand dunes, I waited for trains, I found a bird house maker, and I watched the sunset. And in between, while I drove, I would think and let my mind slowly try to see things in a slightly different way, much like the pictures I am trying to take. I didn’t solve anything, marriage isn’t easier, kids aren’t better behaved, and my job didn’t get fixed miraculously. But I feel a little better after getting away, and have a few cool pictures to show for it. So maybe you can get away by looking at the pictures. Enjoy, I sure did.
The Day After (Gray’s Party)
What a contrast the day after is to the day of. I move slower, I feel more mellow, there is kind of a let down from the excitement. It is true of big games, weddings, vacations, birthdays, and parties. The day of is all the nervous energy, the getting ready, the excitement, and the waiting. The day after is the moving slow, reflecting on the time, the clean up, and the trying to conjure up enough energy to get on with the next task. Gray’s party was no different. Will people come, do we have enough food (and beer), is the video of his life ready to go, is the house clean? The day after, where did all the bottles come from, why do we use dishes, what will we do with all this food, did people have a good time, who is sleeping in Katee’s room – cause Katee is in France?
This morning at 9:30am I am finally waking up. The cob webs are thick. My stomach has the day after eating a lot of , or drinking a lot of sugar, blues. Down stairs I can hear Evan doing dishes, Surf is being feed, and it is time to go assess the damage. Yep it started pouring rain sometime during the night, we forgot to bring in the wood chairs, and a small table. The counters are full of bowls and glasses, there is no music playing but no one really looks like they want to dance. It is definitely the day after the party. Timmy comes out of Katee’s unoccupied room, Darla has made some coffee and I make up some eggs for all of us with the left over beans, tortillas, salsa, guacamole, and other items left over from Gray’s party. It is time to start trying to fuel up the engines for another day.
We all smile as we slowly talk about the day before and look at some pictures of the event. We discussed who came early and who stayed late. We wondered why Frank doesn’t like his picture taken, and Gracie discovering a bird in the bird house. Why did people stay away from the Pico de Gallo and Guacamole – could it have been the habanera peppers? All in all the day after is a time to move slow and rejuvenate for what comes next.
There are lots of day afters in our lives. The might seem like a let down but in many ways they are the start of the next phase or event in life. We might lay low for awhile, but soon we get moving again, set a course of direction, and begin to gear up for the next “Day Of.” I live for the “Day Of,” but recognize that I can’t do that without embracing the “Day After.” Thankfully this one isn’t to rough, despite the number of empty bottles getting wet in the backyard as the rain pours, making this the perfect “Day After.” Hope your enjoying your day after, what ever your day of happened to be.