Sometimes everything goes right, and other times it goes wrong. I am waiting to see which one of those times this will be. For the last year Darla and I have waited for this week to come. It is the celebration of our 25th year of being married. In typical Rick and Darla fashion, we are celebrating it almost three years late. That is right on time for us. You would think with all the time to pre-plan we would have our ski’s lined up, the bars and restaurants planned, directions printed, etc… but that wouldn’t be our style, or as my nephew Nate would say, “That’s not the way we roll.” Instead, a last minute meeting at Darla’s work comes up, no biggy, we push our leave day back a day. Taking a shower on Friday, I decide its a good day to slip and cut my foot. Stitches shouldn’t slow us down to much or mess with our plans to ski. Despite it all we are getting excited. Whistler Canada here we come. Hope all the Olympic crowds have gone home before we get there. Hope there is snow on the mountain, Hope it is a great time of reconnecting with each other. Its been a long wait for this weekend. So far all the things going slightly wrong have not kept this vacation from being soooooo right.
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