Twitter, Facebook, Google Groups, Blogging., Skype. Am I really becoming more connected.? I have friends followers, and I am a member. I tweet, update, discuss, post and chat. My world is ever expanding. But am I really more connected? I have sat in the house on a sunny day checking to see what is happening in my on-line world, but am i somehow missing what is going on in the outdoor world. Which world is real? I can get lost in cyberland, or go downtown and get lost in Portland. I can go hear music live or just listen in on Pandora. I don’t have to go out to shop I can just order online and have it show up. But again I ask am I really more connected. I now get quick updates from my kids through text messaging, sometimes 10 or fifteen times a day. I know where they are and what they are up to. But it has been awhile since we hugged or touched in anyway.
For all that the new world has brought, it has not brought increased face to face connection. What I long for and most enjoy is face to face time. Connecting personally not cyberlly. I need to figure out how to merge and mesh these two worlds that are colliding in such a way as to meet the many needs I have beyond the sharing of information. And by the way, sharing of information is not my definition of connection. Somehow I must learn to embrace and fight the changes at the same time. To make it work for me. Saying I love you in a text message is not the same as saying it while in the midst of a hug. LOL is not nearly as much fun as laughing out loud where others can hear you. Typing to someone you care about is not the same as holding their hand. I would much rather do something with you, than to have you learn about it through
my tweeting or updating. Yet at the same time, there is a sense of connection that happens knowing that others know what I am up to. So yes, I am a little more connected. Maybe not in the ways I most want, but others do know what is happening in my life, to the extent I let them in. Thanks for connecting with me.
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