In my ongoing quest to figure life out, I while occasionally pick up a book to read. Recently a friend of mine (thank's Cole Mack) sent me a book saying it had made a profound impact on how he lives, or attempts to live, his life. Being a sucker for free, I picked it up and started reading. In "The Four Agreements," author Don Miguel Ruiz walks through some basic ancient Toltec beliefs. The premise is that each of us have bought into self limiting beliefs, or dreams, that keep us from experiencing life as it is meant to be lived. As we go through life we make agreements (internal) to live by these self limiting beliefs, often without even realizing it. However, we also have the ability to make new agreements that can help break us free of these wrong beliefs or ways of thinking.
Having quickly read the book in three days, I have already started to apply The Four Agreements, and am finding I do not have to be bound by the rules I have for so long played by. There is much to learn from Toltec beliefs. I am awesome, as I am. Thanks Cole for passing this one on. If you have read the book, please share your thought. I am just starting to apply it

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