I can't help it. I tried to resist for as long as I could. I didn't grow up in Oregon, I didn't go to school here. Instead I went to a small school in Minnesota. When we first moved here back in 1998, I thought everyone was nuts. Fridays people were either in Green or Orange. Emails were finished with "Go Ducks." Flags hung outside of houses on game day. I just didn't get it. Then I was invited to head to Eugene on a Saturday. The sea of green, helped by the endless flow of beer, the loud crowd, and an exciting quick scoring team slowly started drawing me in. It didn't hurt that the beat Stanford. Two weeks later I found myself in green. I was shouting a yelling with the rest of them as UCLA, was sent sadly back to Los Angeles. As I have started to quack, I feel myself experiance feeling I thought had left me. I am recapturing a part of me that I had suppressed. I am yelling at the tv, learning the names of players and coaches, and looking forward to a national championship. I will be in Green on Friday. I can't help it. I have become an Oregon Duck Fan. I think I'll send one of my kids there next year so I have an excuse to drive down during the fall.
Yeah and once your kids go there your sucked in for life. I know it happened to me
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