The earth did not shake, there was no trumpet sound, no sirens, lights, or whistles. He simply breathed his last breath and was gone. Surrounded by his wife and daughters he slipped from this world into the next. He didn't have a suitcase, he didn't ship any of his items ahead, he didn't leave a forwarding address, although we think we know where he might make his new residents. You would think a life of generosity, of hard work, of giving of yourself, would deserve some kind of send off, some celebration, some type of closure. Instead it appears the end is more of a fading light after sunset, the sound of a train whistle growing more faint as it gets farther away. In a moment he was gone and we were left in the room realizing that something significant had just occurred.
The calls are being made, the emails sent, his friends and family are being told, that he is no longer with us. There will be a gathering, a time to remember, to share, to miss. How sad that he will not be there to hear about the difference he made in peoples lives, the lessons he taught his grand kids, the smiles he put on peoples faces. Did people tell him these things while he was here. Does anyone know how many soccer games he sat through, how many concerts he sang in, how many tickets he got in his first fast car? We used to think he was foolish with all the money he donated to different causes, but do we know the impact that had on the lives of others?
Does anyone really know how significant and meaningful he was in the lives of those he came in contact with? Did he know?
In the end, I hope he felt satisfied with how he lived life, that he knew he left a mark on those he came in contact with. That he saw the difference his life made. I hope he was able to take memories with him, an understanding of the part he played in life, and the love of his wife and daughters. We all have our thoughts about what comes next, but what is certain is that this man was here, that he made a difference, and that we will remember him.
My new goal is to let people know the difference they are making, the joy they bring, the love they spread. I want them to know before they fade out or grow faint. We owe each other that much. Wish I would have done a better job of it
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