Today was another day that marks the passing of time. My youngest son, Grady is turning 20. Because of family schedule issues (now that all the kids live out of the house and have their own lives), we decided for a Birthday Brunch. Darla and I made the breakfast, Einstein's provided the bagels and coffee, and everyone else brought their appetites. As we were finishing up, Darla, as she usually does, asked us all to share one thing about Gray we had missed since he moved down to Eugene a year ago. Each one of us shared something unique and different, but there also was a common theme that ran through each story. Each account touched on the way that Gray, in his quick 20 years, had impacted, influenced, changed our lives. I don't think Gray had realized the part he played in each of us, I don't think we realized it until we were sitting there.
As the morning continued I found myself reflecting on the fact that each of us impact others every time we cross paths with someone. Sometimes positively and sometimes negatively. Today the man at Tmobile who felt he had to wait in line to long, and took it out on the kid behind the counter, had a negative impact. The neighbors who all attended my oldest son and his brides open house, had a positive impact. Was my connection to people today more good or bad. Whose attitude was changed because of their encounter with me. How was I changed because of my encounter with them.
I recently came across this quote from Jackie Robinson -
“A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.”
The more I consider this quote, the more I agree with it. My life should be measured by the impact it has on others, by the difference it makes in those around me. Gray, Happy Birthday and keep impacting those around you.
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