A few weeks back my friend who runs another facilty had a full time opening and my star employee went to interview. I received a call minutes after they met and he asked if he could keep her. Everything inside me was crying out NO, she needs to stay here. But, I also knew that it was in her best interest career wise to move forward. A few days later, my daughter came into my office and gave me here two week notice and let me know she was moving on to her first "Big Girls Job."
As a dad, I got to see my daughter through the eyes of my department heads. They would tell me what a difference she was making, how competent she was in her work, how great it was to have her around. All I could think of was the dishes she couldn't seem to get done, the unmade bed, her junk scattered everywhere. My little girl grew up in my eyes over the seven months she worked in my facility. I see her differently today than I would have if she never worked for me. I wish her well and know she will do an awesome job for my friend. My loss is definitely his gain.