I am sitting in a tiny two room cottage, looking out over the ocean. The clouds are quickly moving across the sky, letting loose their rain across the sand. The waves are gray in color with white tops. There is no rhythm to the ocean today, just storm tossed waves coming across the horizon. The beach is littered with logs, shells, rocks, and various types of debris. On the table near the window is a tide chart, telling us when the tide will be in, and when it will be out. Tides are important to the casual sea shell gatherer, so we know when we are likely to find those rare finds brought in by the waves, and left behind as the tide pulls back to reveal what is hidden beneath.
In our home there is a changing tide. Darla has finished her masters degree. The tide of her hard work is starting to recede. It will be interesting to see what is revealed over time. Are there new opportunities that were before unrealized? Are there routines that were put in place during her absence that will now have to go to make room for her? And, how long until the tide returns? There is no tide chart for our family even though we know the tide will continue to change with time.
The one thing that the ocean teaches you is that as surely as the tide goes out, it will come back in. Sometimes there will be a rhythm and sometimes not. Sometimes it will be gray water and other times crystal blue. The goal is to find a way to enjoy it in all of its many facets, to see the adventure in each change, to not take for granted one moment, but to savor every little aspect. Just like life, just like our family.
Written at the beach on 5/6/09